
Fireplace Superstitions and Old Wives’ Tales

How superstitious are you? Do you go out of your way to avoid walking under ladders? Do you take care…


Gas Logs For Your Fireplace

Have you ever looked at a fire burning away in a fireplace, assumed it was wood-fueled, and then suddenly realized…


Hatchlings, Nestlings, and Fledglings: How to Tell if that Baby Bird Needs your Help.

Picture this: you’re taking a walk through your neighborhood, your backyard, or a local nature trail, and you find a…


How to Do a Neat Science Experiment in your Wood-Burning Fireplace

Here’s a fun fact: when set ablaze, certain substances can produce unusual colors of fire. No, we’re not talking about…


What is Creosote and Why is it So Dangerous?

Longtime readers of this blog may notice that we talk about creosote on a fairly regular basis. Creosote is bad:…


Fireplace First Aid: Treating Burns and Other Common Injuries

In case it’s not obvious, at Chimney and Wildlife Specialists, we’re big fans of safety. It’s why we encourage homeowners…


What Are (good) Chimneys Made of?

It stands to reason that, if a structure is going to encounter fire, smoke, and extreme heat on a regular…


How Wild Animals Cope With Cold Weather

Over the last few millennia, humans have come up with a variety of ways to keep warm when it’s cold…


Are Fireplaces a Cost-Effective Way to Heat Your Home?

Back in the days before central heating, a wood-burning fireplace or stove was often a house's only source of heat.…


Is It Too Cold For My Dog to Be Left Outside?

Regular readers of this blog may recall that, a few months ago, we discussed keeping dogs outside in hot weather.…
