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Smoke Damage and Water Spots: How to Clean Up Chimney-Related Mishaps in Your Home

Question: “How are chimneys like children?”
Answer: “Both words start with a ‘chuh’ sound. Oh, and they both can totally wreck your house if you don’t watch them carefully.”

Please forgive the bad joke; it is relevant to today’s post. Chimneys are surprisingly complex structures, and when properly maintained, they typically function smoothly and safely. But if things do go wrong, the end result can be smoke damage, water damage, or even bird damage to your home. These messes need not be permanent, but it is crucial to know what you’re doing before you attempt to clean them up! […]

By |October 18th, 2017|Chimney|Comments Off on Smoke Damage and Water Spots: How to Clean Up Chimney-Related Mishaps in Your Home

Why you Should Hire a Professional to Clean and Inspect your Chimney

Is your chimney due for its annual cleaning and inspection? Remember: if it’s been more than year since this job was last done, then you should schedule an inspection as soon as possible!

Now, folks who are big on home improvement projects may be contemplating whether or not they want to just examine their chimney themselves instead of hiring (and paying) someone else to take care of it for them. But sweeping a chimney isn’t like sweeping a kitchen floor, and it’s not a task for the faint of heart. Here are three reasons to call a professional when your chimney needs a “checkup”:

By |September 7th, 2017|Chimney|Comments Off on Why you Should Hire a Professional to Clean and Inspect your Chimney

Why An Annual Chimney Inspection Could Save Your Holiday

During the holidays, most families prefer to gather around the table, not a hospital bed. Sadly, residential fires, which are prominent in winter months, can wreck havoc on your home and severely inure your loved ones.

As the temperature drops, heaters, candles and holiday decorations all contribute to the 47,000 house fires that occur each year. […]

By |December 20th, 2016|Chimney|Comments Off on Why An Annual Chimney Inspection Could Save Your Holiday