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What is Creosote and Why is it So Dangerous?

Longtime readers of this blog may notice that we talk about creosote on a fairly regular basis. Creosote is bad: creosote can cause chimney fires, creosote can compound if you neglect your annual inspections, etc. But if you’re going to avoid a toxic substance (or situation), it’s best to know as much as possible about the threat. So here’s an in-depth guide to creosote, as well as a more detailed explanation as to why you really shouldn’t mess with it: […]

By |January 31st, 2018|Chimney|Comments Off on What is Creosote and Why is it So Dangerous?

Climbing Vines and Chimneys: A Potentially Expensive Combination

What are your thoughts about ivy and climbing vines on the exteriors of houses and chimneys? While many homeowners are ambivalent about this particular aesthetic, others absolutely adore it. For some folks, there’s just something about a home covered in greenery that says “classic,” “antique,” and maybe even “storybook-esque.” […]

By |July 20th, 2017|Chimney, Wildlife|Comments Off on Climbing Vines and Chimneys: A Potentially Expensive Combination