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What to Do if a Bird Enters the House Through Your Chimney

Picture this: you’re sitting on your living room couch, reading a book or dozing off, when you suddenly hear the sound of flapping wings. Intrigued, you look around, only to see a sparrow, a Mockingbird, or some other non-domesticated bird perched inside your fireplace. You barely manage to say “What in the world…?!” (or something a little less polite) before the terrified critter takes flight and settles on top of your mantle or a wall-mounted kitchen cabinet. […]

By |April 25th, 2018|Chimney|Comments Off on What to Do if a Bird Enters the House Through Your Chimney

Springtime Brings Bird Infestations

Springtime is officially here! Though we probably haven’t yet seen the last of winter weather, we can all start to look forward to warmer afternoons, blooming wildflowers, and an increase in animal activity. Birds become particularly lively this time of year: their quests to find mates and produce offspring often drive them to sing, fly, and gather resources with extra gusto! […]

By |April 4th, 2018|Wildlife|Comments Off on Springtime Brings Bird Infestations