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Things You Should NOT Burn in your Wood-Burning Fireplace

As we’ve said before on this blog, one of the biggest differences between gas and wood-burning fireplaces is the amount of variety that wood-burning allows for.  Folks who regularly use their fireplace all have different types of wood or tinder that they swear by, so the kind that you opt to use in your home is usually a matter of personal preference. […]

By |May 3rd, 2017|Chimney|Comments Off on Things You Should NOT Burn in your Wood-Burning Fireplace

Chimney Swifts, the Federally Protected Bird that Might Move Into YOUR Chimney

How would you feel if a wildlife removal specialist told you that a pest animal could not be expelled from your home? And not because the animal is vicious enough to hold its ground or crafty enough to evade traps—it simply cannot be moved because doing so constitutes a crime. […]

By |April 27th, 2017|Chimney|Comments Off on Chimney Swifts, the Federally Protected Bird that Might Move Into YOUR Chimney

Reasons You Should Get a Chimney Cap

As the holiday season quickly approaches, and the temperatures begin to drop, you’ll want to make sure that your chimney is ready to go. Before you get your fireplace crackling with wood logs, and roasting marshmallows, there are a few steps you should take to ensure your chimney is prepared. […]

By |January 26th, 2017|Chimney|Comments Off on Reasons You Should Get a Chimney Cap

Reasons You Need a Chimney Cap

Does your chimney need a cap?

No, we are not talking about a casual snapback or an elegant bowler (even though that would look pretty funny). A chimney cap is essentially a “lid” that is installed on the chimney’s flue and often looks like a tiny, metal house. The cap consists of a flat, […]

By |August 9th, 2016|Wildlife|Comments Off on Reasons You Need a Chimney Cap